Find my ‘ME’ With Vindi Kohli.
It was a pleasant rainy evening, a calm and peaceful mood was set by it. A perfect time to meditate, I thought. With my eyes closed, I immersed myself completely in that moment with deep concentration. All at once, a thought swayed my mind with a word — PERSONAL LIBRARY.
I immediately opened my eyes with my train of thoughts which couched into my journal. As my thoughts intensified, I realized that everyone is integrated with a ‘PERSONAL LIBRARY’. But, how many of us really think deeply about it? What is the concept behind this?
Before venturing into the shelves of the ‘Personal Library,’ I decided to do a little research, as I wanted to know how everyone carries this word:
And I decided to begin from home. So, I asked my daughter what is her definition of the PERSONAL LIBRARY & then followed my google expedition, I found that there were too many answers and descriptions to it. The definition of ‘PERSONAL LIBRARY’ is different for different people.
For most of us it’s more about the books we read, the journals we write, the organizers we create, our hobbies, our work-related planning documents etc.
I felt that all this information is vague and probably lacked some discipline there, maybe I was expecting a deeper meaning to it.
For me, the meaning of the Personal Library is your EMOTIONS & FEELINGS.
Have we ever thought of any time that these Emotions & Feelings must be on top of our lists when we are creating our own Personal Library?
So, I decided to give the right connotation to ‘PERSONAL LIBRARY’. You can name it in different terms but, the important point is how you take care of your own EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS and how you stack them well and make them balanced.
Going into detail, emotions flow through our body and mind every time which regulates everything. It is said that there are the eight basic spokes of an emotional wheel. Joy, Sadness, Fear, Disgust, Surprise, Anticipation, Anger and Trust. They further break into tiny sub emotions when we fail to interpret them rightly.
Have you ever given importance to interpreting your Feelings and Emotions? How important these things are in your life?
Shouldn’t the EMOTIONS & FEELINGS be a part of your library?
From the past 20 years of my experience, I have learnt how important it is, to look within yourself. How important it is to discover your own moods, your own behaviour, and how you react in certain situations? And so on….
Yesterday, while taking a one-on-one session with a friend, I spoke about Feelings and Emotions and then I realized that even though we know that they exist, we do not give importance to our feelings and emotions. Since we are unaware of how to handle and trust them. We always try to suppress them, failing to realize that these, if unattended, form a tornado within us damaging the ‘Inner us’.
We give importance to our physical needs and take good care of our bodies in terms of our social needs and for external looks.
Don’t you think, it is equally important to ensure our internal needs and take care of them too?
Our biggest problem of Mental health is Self-Doubt, Self-worth, and always living in a fear of ‘LOG KYA KAHENGE’. In midst of all of this, we leave ‘us’ behind. We are so ignorant and never value ourselves. We cannot change what is bygone, but we can always start afresh now when we are aware of our own EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS.
Now, from today let us create our PERSONAL LIBRARY.
- AWARE OF YOUR OWN LIKES- ‘Start writing your journal from today, capture your emotions and feelings in it’
Let us start the journey of being perfect in our own way.!
Are you resonating with my thoughts? Please do comment and share your views. By doing this, we might unknowingly, be helping a lot of people by strengthening them Mentally.
I have started Find my ‘ME’ journey. It is all about Loving yourself, Exploring yourself, Learning and An Action taking platform. If anyone of you needs to know more about it please do send me a message, and I will get back to you.
Lots of love and Affection💕😊
Vandana Raj — (Pen name — Vindi Kohli)😊
An Author ||Psychotherapist ||Life Designer || Holistic Healer
Read my book Find my ‘ME’ 👇🏼👇🏼
FIND MY ‘ME’: A Journey to Self-Discovery
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Vindi Kohli
I am a founder of the ‘Find My ‘ME’ Holistic Healing Retreat, a Journey to Self-Discovery.
I’m on a mission to Aspire to Empower at least 1 million Working Professionals to get clarity in finding their True Inner Purpose by using the RHYTHM Mind-Body Balance Technique.